Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Couple quick updates because, as usual, I have about 10 minutes before I've got to leave. First and foremost, I'm getting my wheel!!! Mom, darling woman that she is, said this could be an early and combined Christmas/birthday present. (Okay, she didn't mention my birthday because that's not until March, but I'm letting her know that I consider it a combined present. ) I'm not sure how long it will take before it's here, but my fingers are itching already.

Knitting during the day, spinning at night. Definitely my idea of nirvana! I can't wait to settle into a nice, relaxed routine. Lord knows, I could use the stress-free moments.

Second great news is that Oldest Daughter showed me her letters of recommendation for college. Three more came into the guidance office and all I can say is "WOW!"

Okay, so I kinda bribed her English teacher into a terrific recommendation. He was the tech director on the show last year and I told him that I wouldn't even consider showing up if he didn't give her a good letter. Well, he outdid himself. He included her academic achievements and went on to include her after-school activities as well as a lot of the dedication she shows in her community service. Seriously, an outstanding letter of recommendation, so I owe Mr. Michael Berry a HUGE thank you for that one.

Lastly, the meeting last night was wonderful. The thing I love the most about this group of people is their entire attitude. They're positive and enthusiastic. I mean, think about how much time you spend on a daily/weekly basis with people who are negative. B#tching and moaning, b#tching and moaning. Nothing is right. Nothing is ever good enough. Gets to be a real drag and you find yourself being negative about everything. (Yeah, yeah, refer back two days to my own posting... )

This group of people isn't like that at all. They're such a breath of fresh air that you're not sure what to do with them at first. I felt kinda like a third wheel because they carry the attitude that there are no strangers here, just wonderful friends you haven't met yet. And that's just such a reversal from the rest of the world that it's weird at first. But, I'm telling you, it's addictive. I can't help it. I like being around them and I find myself with a much better attitude about the world and people and the future after I've been with them for an hour or two.

And I missed that. I needed a "fix" and last night was a healthy shot in the arm. All good stuff. And now I'm ready to go back out and conquer the world and make a difference in others' lives. Isn't it strange how the more you do for others, the better you feel about yourself? I learned that from a decade with the fire dept and the ambulance corps. And now I can relate those terrific feelings to helping others set up a toll booth on the Internet. Seeing them succeed and earn money is even better than anything that's falling into my own pocket. Seeing them change into more positive people and excited about the world around them is SO worth missing a little bit of sleep last night.

Oops... ten minutes gone with my usual daily "rant"... LOL! It's so funny. My day wasn't going so well yesterday. Thought I'd lost my debit card. Then thought I'd lost my car keys. All kinds of things that just put a damper on my whole mood. Then I went to the meeting last night and now I find myself smiling again.

Can things get better?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WooHoo is right! What did you end up deciding on? AND - welcome to the ranks of the even further addicted fiber enthusiasts! Now, you can proudly say that you can never have enough yarn and never have enough roving!!

Big grins all around!
