I mean, I was sitting at work, wondering how to make all that time constructive and finally found something that would benefit someone other than myself. I was actually walking through the parking lot and BOOM!!! It hit me. Didcha ever have that happen? You're walking along, doing whatever and you literally stop in your tracks because some idea comes wailing in from left field and hits you upside the head? Yup, that was the one.
I'm weird. I like doing things for other people. I like taking time and utilizing it so someone else might get some pleasure from it in the long run. So I'm working on this project. Yeah, it'll be done before the end of the month, but it'll be one Christmas project completed.
And what sucks is that I can't post a pic of it because the person who it's intended for reads this blog.
What else is new? I'm actually reading a book on the history of the church (read that as nonn-demoninational, like of all of them
Anyway, I really wanted to thank him for sending me the book and thinking of me, but I'd feel really weird about writing if I hadn't read it. So I'm reading it. And it's really kind of fascinating. His writing style is rough (a really good editor with a strong hand could actually make this publishable), but I'm enjoying the concept behind the book. IT does re-ignite the desire to read the Bible. I've never read it. I never studied it. Long story, but I pretty much stopped going to church when I was about 9 or 10 years old. So most of my religious education came from my years in a Catholic junior high. And most of that was spent arguing with the nuns because they really wanted to convert me and that just wasn't gonna happen!!!
And what did I do? Marry a lapsed Catholic. Good thing with the lapsed part, though, or the relationship never would have worked... LOL!
I'm wandering yet again, aren't I?
Oh, and last night, one of the students invited me out to hear a band at a local bar. Kinda cool to get invites from the students considering I'm old enough to be their mother. But I stayed home to listen to the webcast of the hockey game. Six more days and counting until I can sit in the audience and enjoy a game live. Believe me, that has me excited. I'm in serious hockey withdrawal. Need a good solid game to lift the spirits.
Well, they say it's not going to rain this weekend, which means I have yard work to do. I want to get some mums and plant at the cemetary. This fall should be great for mums and the color will make up for the fact that I took the flamingoes away.
Yes, I had a pair of flamingoes (is that spelled right?) at the cemetary. It was an inside joke specifically for my brother. When Dad died this summer, I wanted to make sure the site looked nice when we all showed up for the burial. Well, when I got to the plant place, I saw a pair of flamingoes and immediately thought of my brother. He said he wanted flamingoes out in front of his trailer so he could be "proper trailer trash". Well, for his birthday, one of his friends found a pair of mini flamingoes and planted them in front and my brother found them on his way home from work. Hearing the story, my Dad laughed. So when I saw them at the plant place, I bought them and stationed them on guard at the cemetary. And when Tom showed up for the funeral for Dad, they did provide a moment of levity to a very solemn occasion. So I promised Tom that I'd leave them for the summer to watch over Dad and then I'd take them down come fall and send them down to North Carolina so he could put them out front of his trailer with the mini pair. Well, they're boxed and ready to go. (Frankly, idiot that I am, I keep forgetting to ask Hubby to ship them.)
I'll see if I can get a new pair come spring for the cemetary. Give us a couple years and my brother Tom could have a whole flock outside his trailer...
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