But my body is still on the old time, so I was up at 4AM. Will make the bosses happy when I go back to work that I'm getting up earlier. This past week, I was running late just about every day. Mostly, because I was in here and updating my blog, but then the lines at Dunkin' Donuts was long and there were school buses. There's one that makes 5 stops... yes, count that *5* stops in a one block span...
I'm considering giving up my strike. I did dishes yesterday. A mountain of them. They'd been "soaking" for 4 days. The girls always tell me that they'll do them before they go to bed and yet I've caught them sneaking nighttime slumber for several nights before the trace of milk has "soaked" off the glasses. Heck, Dee has dug up half of a field and dragged it into my living room since she last sweated over a couple dinner plates. Isn't it amazing how dirt weighs so much less than a plate?
I did manage to push the wilderness out of my way yesterday and did some spinning. I moved from the Wesleydale (is that even right?
I was doing good with the Corriedale and Wesleydale. In fact, I did enough that I plied some together. Have to get a pic of that and post it before I knit that into a scarf. I have more Corriedale, so I have to spin up more Wesleydale in order to finish the ply. Looks like an Aran tweed or something. Haven't got a clue, but I want to knit it into a scarf just so I can keep it as my first attempt at spinning.
BTW, contacted Laurie Sanford to get a lesson. She's going to email me with some dates and we'll pick one. Okay, I have the patience meter of a mayfly and I really wanted YESTERDAY, but it was a terrible day weather-wise so probably not a good idea to take the wheel out into the maelstrom. Winds were incredible. I'd be amazed if any of the trees in CT have any leaves left on them. I think they're all in my gutters...
I was taking stock of my stash the other day. Hence the reason I ordered new stuff.
3?!?!?!?!?!? My goodness and YIKES!!!!!
So I had to remedy that. I might be taking a trip off to Country Yarns again today. See if they have more Cherry Tree Hill sock yarn (and maybe some others that might be stashed in a corner and I missed on my last venture). I do have 3 more colors on order with Lisa Souza. Joseph's Coat and Mars Quake and something else. I don't remember because I also ordered some roving.
I definitely need more. Lord knows, once I finish the Christmas project (which will be this week definitely, if not by the Halloween deadline I'd earlier predicted), I'll be whipping out socks like there's no tomorrow. Course, I might have to start a shawl or afghan because I don't have a booth to sit in and it's getting durned cold. I need something across my lap for warmth rather than run my car the whole day to keep warm. The bosses claim I'll have a booth by Nov 17th. Hmm, just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday. (The university is off that week, which means I'll be off. Makes perfect sense to me to have the booth ready in time for no one to sit in it...
I did have one administrator drive through this past week. I can't remember her title. Director of Students or some such thing. She told me next academic year.
Her, I believe.
I finally got an address for my Yarn Swap partner. Tammy lives in Alabama. Hence the reason I collected and inventoried my sad stash. I have some yarns that I worked with and I think she'll like them. But she's having a real tough time in her life right now, so I want to make her package something really special. She needs a nice boost and I can try to give her a little smile during her time of trouble. So I'm gathering. I have some cotton blends that would work better in AL than in CT. So I'm going to send all of it to her. And I have a couple other yarns that should work nicely. A nice little package of variety to keep her mind off the rest of her life when she needs it.
The only thing I don't have yet is a small "gift". I haven't found anything that's caught my eye yet. I'll look when I invade Country Yarns this afternoon. (Today is the first day they're supposed to be open on Sunday afternoon, so I think a drive that way is definitely in my schedule.
Okay, off and running. Well... not running. It's way too early and I haven't showered yet. Don't want to scare small children and wild animals. (Course, Hubby would say I should venture out and get a pound of coffee for the machine. There has to be a Dunkin Donuts that's open -- there is down in North Haven -- and since I'm up...
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