I don't want to lull anyone into a false sense of security. I don't like football. I never did. For a few years when I was teen, I did follow the game, but that was an attempt to solidify my position as "Daddy's girl" and he loved sports. Any kind of sports. The one thing that drove my Mom crazy is that, no matter what time of day (or night), Dad managed to find a game somewhere. Cable TV and the sports networks were a Godsend to Dad and a nightmare to Mom.
Me? I love college hockey. I follow the Quinnipiac Bobcats. Even though I could go to the games for nothing as an employee, I buy season tickets. My boss even figured that I'd adore working the games once the new sports complex (a new athletic center that boasts a hockey rink on one side and a basketball court on the other) opens come January. I told him to "fergit it". I don't want to work the game and risk the moments I could lose by some disruptance in the audience that I'd have to deal with. Nope. I'd rather pay for a seat and be assured I'll see every moment of the game.
Anyway, I'm wandering as usual. The point of this is Tuesday morning quarterbacking and people who think they know more than the people who are actually involved on the field. When I make contacts with people for my business, they sit there with their arms crossed and their legs crossed and their lower lip stuck out about a foot and tell me that this business doesn't work.
Yeah, my wonderful DH is listed as a partner of mine, but he's also a naysayer. He told me that it's a scam and no one makes money without even looking at the structure of the business before he made his claim. Bottom line is I've already proven him wrong because I have earned commissions. Goes right into our checking account along with his paycheck and mine. I'm beginning to pay down some of our bills. Impulse shopping is near dead in our house which frees up money. I have it delivered to the house so I'm home more than I was before. And we're getting everything we need delivered right to our door by UPS. Hmm... I don't know. I kinda scratch my head and wonder how he can be so negative when it's working right under his nose.
Sure, it's small now. But it's going to grow. And you know why? It's not because I have faith in the system, though it's a proven system and it's worked for a couple hundred thousand people. More importantly, I have faith in myself that I can make it work for us. I've given four years of my life to my job.
I don't think I've told this story, but my bosses moved me. Last December, I lobbied for a certain job within our department and on Dec 28th, the chief called me and gave me the job. Told me it was mine. Then the guy I worked with started making all kinds of noise. Raising a stink whenever he could (which translates into taking off from our post to sit in the boss's office and complain that he should have been given the job and not me). What happened? I was called in a week or two after my Dad had died this summer and asked if I wanted a different position. A new one. One just created that week. I asked the boss what if I said I didn't want it? He said we'd have a bit of a problem. So I pointed out that he'd given me that position and then effectively taken it away and given it to someone else.
Bosses generally don't like me too much because I tend to speak the truth and I don't try to hide it behind niceties and platitudes. I nkow, I know. I was supposed to sugarcoat it and hide it behind something that would make my point without being so direct. Hence the reason I've never gone into politics. I call a spade a spade and it tends to make people cringe...
But, he assured me that there'd be a pay increase because my actual title would also change to a job with a higher pay grade. Hmm... I was thinking. Take the money and run. So I moved off campus to a new booth that still doesn't exist and to a location where there were no bathroom facilities until a few weeks ago. Well, this week I was working the numbers off my paystub and I didn't get that raise. Well, I called the chief and asked "What's up?" He danced real quick and gave me all kinds of excuses, but the bottom line is that I'm not going to see it anytime soon. Another broken promise. Another negotiation that "fell through".
So I've given them four years of my life and, in return, I've been moved around like a pawn on a chessboard.
So why am I going to put effort into Quixtar? Because this is one system where I'll actually see benefits from my efforts. I earn what I earn. If I put effort into this business, I'll see reward. If I make no effort then I'll see no reward. It's that plain and simple. I'll earn more money if I'm willing to make the effort that extrapolates into higher commissions.
So I'm going to give four years of my life to Quixtar because my current job has already proven that they can't be trusted to deal with me honestly. Quixtar has never made me a promise other than, if I put in the effort, I will receive the reward and the benefits. Okay, I've only been a member for four months now, but I've seen reward and I've seen benefits. And this is just a mere taste of what I know I can accomplish.
Tuesday morning quarterbackers are all claiming that the benefits are worthless and the promises are empty. The only people making money are those at the top. My first disclaimer to them is... Isn't that true of all businesses? Aren't the guys at the top making more money than those of us at the bottom? OTOH they've been at it longer and it's because of their effort that I'm even here. Sure, I'm near the bottom, but I sure didn't stay at the bottom tier for long.
See, my uplines (the people further up the list from me) are working with me to bring in people below me. And then they're working with all of us to bring in more people below the people below me. All they ask is that I add my efforts to theirs. See... we're a team. We're all working together to move my name closer to the top. It moves theirs even higher. And it moves those below me up to my level. And, then, as the people below me work to add people to our team, they're moving up, but so am I.
Direct correlation. My bosses at my 9-to-5 promised a pay increase and I won't see one until the annual across-the-board increases come January. Empty promise. My uplines at Quixtar said they would help me move up the list and they've actively pursued that goal. The first boss has talked from both sides of his mouth, promising one thing and doing something entirely different. My upline ("Boss" if you will) at Quixtar made me a promise and has followed through.
So I ask the naysayers and the Tuesday morning quarterbackers where I should put my loyalty and efforts? In my 9-to-5 job, I have security, insurance benefits and a terrific 401k. But I can also guarantee that I can't believe any promise made to me because the boss has already shown me what his promise is worth. In my business dealings with Quixtar and my uplines, they're actively working to improve my position. All they've asked is that I also work to help myself and those I sponsor.
Now, who's made empty promises and false claims? And who's been honest and forthright from day one? Maybe I'm strange, but I like a business that's not going to lie to me. I have no use for liars. A little respect and total honesty is all I've ever asked for in a boss and all I've ever offered in return. I've received that from Quixtar and I'm going to put my efforts with them. I've given four years to my other job and I'm no better off today than I was when I first went to work. I'm still struggling to make ends meet from paycheck to paycheck. No matter how hard I work, I'll get the usual annual 3% increase (when the cost of living is skyrocketing at a rate of 5% or more). OTOH, I'm already making five times more from Quixtar than I was a mere four months ago. (I know yesterday I said three and a half months, but my actual anniversary date of four months will be on 10/6). I think I'd much rather put my efforts and time into Quixtar where I know I have a chance of succeeding.
How about you? Are you willing to take that risk? BTW, tomorrow at 8:15PM, I do believe that Quixtar is running their first ever commercial during Monday night football. (Kinda poetic that I chose my title around that, eh? LOL)
Next topic will be the Two Income Trap. Did you know that something like 80% of women work outside the home and yet we're actually living on less leftover money than we were 30 years ago? We're making more and yet we have less once all the bills are paid. Kinda deals directly with that pititful little cost of living increase I was just talking about.
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