I can't believe it's been over a month since I last updated. But some big stuff happened during that time period. As I mentioned to my friends, the last month has been like the worst country song has taken over the direction of my life... /g/
First, my oldest daughter was involved in a very serious accident. Now, quickly, she's okay. A young driver tried to turn... oh, about 50 feet in front of my daughter. I guess she was really surprised that there wasn't enough road. My daughter was NOT surprised when the headlights suddenly veered in front of her. Six teenagers all sent to the hospital. Luckily, four of the kids were basically treated and released. Two of the teens weren't so lucky, but I've heard that they're on the road to recovery. It might take a while, but they should recover. Both cars were totalled. Yes, my daughter's Blazer was totalled, which should tell you how bad this accident was. But my daughter was lucky. A cut on her eyelid (seven stitches and the scar is hidden in the fold of her eye) and a broken nose.
But that was our first adventure. I won't elaborate any more details because I know some lawsuits are going to come from this accident for various reasons and I don't want to give ammunition to anyone.
Okay, two weeks later, I finished with work at the university and had my surgery. Ladies, let me give you a piece of advice. DON'T wait to have a fibroid removed if the doctor says they can take it out. The operation took over three hours and the durned alien baby had grown to 12cm (they tell me that's about 6") in diameter. Now, I don't think the size was the problem except that there wasn't enough room, so it sort of smushed everything in its path. Recovery is slow, but it's coming along. And I have the 6" scar to prove it... /wry g/
I'm almost four weeks later and feeling very good. In fact, I took my EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) this past weekend and I'm pretty sure I passed. Okay, I know I passed, but I still like the card to prove it... /g/ If you don't know what an EMT is, real quick, it's the basic certification needed to work on an ambulance. I think I've mentioned it before, but I volunteered for seven years on an ambulance, both as a driver and a technician. I still use my training very occasionally in my job in security, which is why I was in for a refresher (which is the technical term for re-certification). Since I'm the only person on site over at that off-campus dormitory, the EMT certification comes in handy. I can do a quick evaluation and assessment if one of the kids gets hurt or sick.
Anyway, moving on. I had the surgery on Wednesday. They released me to come home on Friday. The DH was and still is absolutely wonderful, but remember that one of our trucks is trashed. I get home and notice that my older dog, Copper, is breathing hard and I'm worried. So I call my Mom and ask her to come over. Hmm... Copper is definitely not right. Shelby had taken Copper to see the vet on the day of my surgery, but in my drug-infested sense of perception, I haven't got a clue what she told me. So Mom agrees that Copper needs to see the vet again. Mom and Shelby take her to the emergency vet hospital.
Skip to the end of the story... Copper is suffering from congestive heart failure. Yes, we had to put her down. Shelby called me to advise her what to do and I lost it. I had a complete emotional meltdown. I think I scared everyone because I never meltdown. I try to cut myself some slack on this. I was 3 days post-surgical, I was loopy on percocet and I hadn't started the hormone patch the doc had given me. Yup, I lost it.
In fact, I hope Shelby doesn't hold it against me. I was a little panicked when we got the call, but once I saw her and saw how bright and shiny her eyes were, I knew she'd be okay. I was calm and collected at the accident (yes, we arrived on scene before the fire dept had taken her out of the vehicle because the other vehicle was SO badly damaged that they had to cut the roof off to get the kids out). I'd been at a lot of accidents in my time with the ambulance and, let's face it, I'm her mom, so I knew she was okay. Oh, the funny story is that I knew her nose was broken. My husband denied it. Shelby denied it. The doctor denied it. They did a CT scan. Her nose was broken. Ha! I'm her mom! If anyone would know her daughter's face, it would be me...
Anyway, that's my sad country song. My daughter's okay, but we lost the truck. I lost the fibroid (thank you!), my uterus and my ovaries, but I'm recovering nicely. And I lost my dog, but I know we were able to give her three wonderful years at the end of her life. But we still have the house and my Hubby has been terrific.
Today, our heat index is supposed to be something like 103 degrees. In fact, my youngest daughter just called. They're letting school out early because of it. Oh boy. Last week, we were lucky to get in the 70's. Now we're definitely hitting mid-90's with a heat index of 100+. So I'd better get my shower done and keep putting water in the pool. Normally, our pool would be open by now, but I always help Hubby get the cover off and I haven't been able to do it. The bad part of the surgery. I can't lift anything heavier than a gallon of milk. Heck, I have a cat who weighs more than a gallon of milk... LOL!
Oh, the good news is that I mowed a little section of the lawn yesterday. Yes, I felt so normal doing that. I'm hoping to pull a few weeds today while working on my summer tan. I worked really hard last year getting my yard in shape. I'm not about to let it go to hell now. I might not be planting a lot of stuff, but I'm certainly going to search and destroy any weeds that try to invade. I haven't done any knitting or spinning to speak of, but I think that will be remedied soon. I had projects all lined up for my recovery period, but all I've done is sit and watch TV. Isn't it funny how that works? You finally have time to read and knit all you want and, instead, you sit and lament how you can't be out in the yard weeding and planting... /wry g/
But now that I'm feeling better, my fingers are beginning to itch for projects. It's about time, right?
Take it easy. Drinks lots if you're in the soup (hot and humid) like me. Enjoy the week and I'll try to have more fibery and knittery stuff next time I update.
OH, stupid!!!!!! Here's the best news of all! Listen carefully to Cast On in September. Brenda Dayne actually asked me if she could include a piece I'd written about why I began spinning. Isn't that just the BEST?!?!? I'm flattered. I'm honored. I'm totally wowed and humbled that she'd like something I wrote.
Time for a shower, folks. When you can begin to smell yourself, that certainly is NOT a good thing. Weird how I shower first thing so I can go out in the yard and work up a sweat. But whoever said I was normal?
Take care!!!
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