Okay, I'm trying to upload some pics. It's not working yet. The good news is that I did get some pics. I'm really pleased with how my Tainted Love socks came out. Yarn is called Tainted Love and created by Gypsy Girl over at www.stonebarnfibers.com. Some of the most gorgeous yarn I've worked with in the past two years.
Frankly, I'm trying to keep it a closely guarded secret because if others find out how wonderful her yarn is, they'll overload her with orders and she won't create any new fantastic color combos and she won't have time to keep up with me and my Mom. Mom just ordered a dozen colors so she can create a stash to get her through those rough days.
I told her to get the yarn, bring it over and we'll wind it up into balls and tuck the balls into little ziploc bags. Each bag will have two skeins all ready to cast onto needles. Then you toss all these little ziploc bags into a big brown paper bag so you can't see. When you're in need of a new pair of socks, you just reach in and grab the first bag that feels "right". Boom... instant pleasure... LOL! I started doing this about six months ago and it's wonderful. If you keep a few skeins in there, you never know what yarn will come out and it's always a nice surprise to see which pair of socks you'll be knitting next.
Okay, let's try to get that pic in here again... Yup, uploaded this time. I haven't figured out how to move the pic to a specific part of the page. I wanted it here -------->
but it loaded to the top of the page. Even worse, it's now the second picture. The one with the pink and red. (If anyone knows how to move a pic from the top of the page without having to figure code and computer language, please help out and either post or email me.)
But those are the socks. I'm going to send a copy of the pic to Cathi so she can see how gorgeous they turned out. My next pair was a pair I called "Parrot". (yup, the yellow and green, which is now posted first at the top of the page... Yikes! ) Koigu yarn (another lovely "find") but they don't name their colors and I simply refuse to call my socks by a number... I picked the colors because they reminded me of a colorful South American parrot. I've always wanted a bird, but my husband flat-out refuses that one, so this is as close as I'll ever get to owning a bird...
I have a feeling this will be a long post because there's so much that's happened in the last few weeks....
Tomorrow I get to meet the Second Sunday Fiber Artisans for the first time. A lady on the Spin To Knit group lives over in Madison and she invited me along. Considering I'm still getting my act together when it comes to spinning, I'm going to meet the ladies and try to watch and learn. Bring my latest socks (Lorna's Laces in Flames) so I can keep working while attempting to keep my mouth shut... yeah, like I've ever been good at that. I find the older I get, the more I talk...
Last night my boys lost to Dartmouth. I missed the game because of a business meeting. I was the one slated to show the plan and pass along the info, so I couldn't miss it. But everyone "bagged" on us. I had two people who were going to come and bring another two new people. But they had good reason to miss, so I'd hoped that others would bring some new people. Uh huh. Everyone they had also bagged. So I was real tempted to run out the door and see if I could catch the end of the first period, but that would be totally unprofessional and so I stayed. We put out heads together and made some more plans, but my night was really made when Mark came home and said that one of the players had, through gesture, asked him where I was. Yikes! My boys noticed that I wasn't there. Damn, they definitely pay too much attention.
OTOH, I'm going to make it up to them. I've already made arrangements so I can get a coffee cake back to them on Tuesday night when they next play. I just have to remember to make up a small plate specifically for the coaches. Last couple of times I sent a coffee cake back to the locker room, Rand assured me that the cake was gone before the tray hit the table... Hmm, think they like my grandmother's recipe?
So I hope that'll be enough to make it up to the boys for missing last night's game. Mark says it's my fault they lost. I wasn't there to cheer and yell and rant and rave. They couldn't get excited without my loud and obnoxious cheering to spur them on...
Tomorrow is fibers and fundraisers. Monday is work at the second job after I'm done with the first job. Tuesday night is race to get home so we have a coffee cake to deliver to the boys at the hockey game. I'll try to get back on Wednesday for an update on more shenanigans....
1 comment:
It's easy peasy to move a picture, Bonnee. Just click on it and drag it to where you want it to be. Then BAD BAD Blogger will put it somewhere close to that but not TOO close cuz that would be too easy. Before you choose the one to upload, be sure to set the size and left, right, or center.
I KNOW the code and it screws mine up anyway!
Oh, and if you leave the yarn you spun on the spindle or bobbin for three days, it will be set. Or wind into a skein and spray lightly all around and inside with a mist of water and let it dry. Just let it lay on a counter or something without weight. You only need weights if you want to weave with it. Been doing this since 1979 and I never set the twist at all! Ever.
Marilyn in AZ from the SpintoKnitSocks group
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