Yup, have to clean more. With 4 people, 2 dogs and 2 cats, all my cleaning efforts for Thanksgiving have definitely fallen by the wayside. But I did grab one of the rooms last weekend and literally started at the ceiling and worked all the way to the floor. Okay, so I didn't open the cupboards and clean inside, but if anyone is curious enough to go inside the cabinets, then they're welcome to whatever they find...
That was the bathroom. Smallest room in the house, but it was a start.
Tomorrow starts the mandatory overtime for move-out at the university. Uh huh. Sorry, but my kids have a concert tomorrow night, so I'm booking out as soon as I get 5 mins without any traffic going past me. Their concert is more important and I don't see these kids moving off sooner than they absolutely have to... which means most will leave on Friday.
Next week is the last-minute shopping and a few more projects to complete. I have almost all of them done. I should be able to finish all but two final projects by tomorrow or Thursday. Then two for next week and I can finally wrap everything and take stock of what I've got, what needs to be bagged and tagged and what still needs to be done. As usual, Hubby gets the short end of the stick, but his list is like 3 items long. And I can't afford 2 of them, so I'm going to buy stock in the one I can afford. (IOW, he'll get like 4 of that... LOL!)
I also have plans to return to the gym with a vengeance and see if I can troll around to a few places to see if I can sell some products. I have ideas. We'll see if I can actually sell them to others.
And I'm going to get back to spinning. It's been a couple weeks, but I lost floor space in the living room to the tree. Hmm... Christmas tree or spinning wheel. Right now, I'll allow the tree to take what little floor space I've got. I'll simply move my wheel to the dining room and plug my iPod into my ears so I can get back to spinning. My goal is to get an hour a day so I can get good at this. Over the 5 weeks I have off, I should be able to get some kind of rhythm and even tension going on that, but that's my goal. We'll find out if I'll realize that one.
Lastly, show the plan, show the plan and show the plan some more. See if I can translate my dream into something others can see (inserting their dream, of course
I sure as heck don't. I know I'm worth more than the university pays me, but I have to settle for that until the time comes when I can make more without them. I have a couple pet projects that I want to contribute to, but current finances preclude that. So I have to dream even bigger in order to make the finances so I can support those pet projects. Now, I'm not crazy. As I said before, have to get my own "house in order" (IOW, settle my own finances), but supporting projects like Animal Haven are also big on my list.
So don't forget your charities. I thank God every day that I'm not the one standing in line to accept charity. I'm lucky and I'm blessed that I've never had to do that. My goal is to be able to write checks to support those who need it. Give a haven to animals who live in unspeakable conditions, a place where a child can smile for the first time rather than live in fear, a home for women who've been abused into believing that death is the only way to escape the hell they're living in. Big dreams, eh?
'Tis the time to thank God that's not us. Rather than buy one more expensive item so there's 20 gifts under the tree rather than 19... Rather than making sure this Christmas bonanza is bigger than last year's... Rather than getting one more thing for someone who already has so much... Why not take that money and give it to someone who wouldn't have anything if it wasn't for your generosity? Why not give a card to your spouse and let them know that you were going to buy one more item but gave the cost of that item in their name to a charity who could really use it for someone who has nothing?
'Tis the season for giving, not receiving. Let us not forget that.
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